Advertising and marketing have come a long way since the early days. Sexism, drinking, smoking--companies got away with all sorts of ad campaigns that would probably be boycotted today. Times have changed, and that's often a good thing, but it's still fun to walk down memory lane. These ads provide a window back in time. Not only do they convey information about what was happening socially in the world; they showcase yesteryear's fashions, hairstyles, and much more. If you enjoy history, check out these eye-catching vintage ads that are sure to surprise you with their unique way of selling a myriad of products.
Lane Bryant is still in business today, but the company has, not surprisingly, rebranded its product line to something other than "Chubbies."
Very few doctors smoke these days, and none of them promote cigarette smoking if they want to keep their medical license.
A Kitchen Aid is a sweet kitchen luxury, but these days, women who own them don't owe men homemade cake.
Poison and fresh produce don't pair very well these days. DDT is illegal, so this advertisement would not have a chance today.
Women are not the root cause of STDs, but you wouldn't know it from this ad!
Once upon a time, gay meant happy, but running this ad today would raise some eyebrows. Obviously, you don't have to be gay to enjoy what this ad's selling.
Was it the blatant racism or wacky claims that put this manufacturer out of business?
Scaring women with thoughts of infidelity does not have the makings of a power-selling campaign.
Crazy contraptions were all the rage once upon a time. You won't find this one on the market today.
Cellophane might be ok for your leftovers, but it should never, we repeat, never top a child's face or it can prevent them from breathing. This company ran several ads with babies. What was it thinking?
Babies and razor blades? Believe it or not, the company probably paid a lot of money for that creepy ad back in the day.
It's important for advertising executives to consider every possible meaning associated with a slogan. Clearly, these executives wanted to get the ad done and get to lunch.
Domestic violence is a whole lot worse than stale coffee. Fortunately, this ad would never fly today.
Today, purposely ingesting a parasite is cause to visit your local mental healthcare provider.
Clearly, ad executives in the fifties and sixties endorsed the idea that women belonged in the kitchen.
Tab soda thought it was a good idea to tell women that they'd matter more to him if they stayed skinny. Way to promote eating disorders, Tab.
This ad wouldn't meet with approval today--unless she was pouring hot coffee in his lap!
There's only one woman in this ad's workplace, and she's taking notes and answering phones.
This scary-looking beauty contraption was just a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Not only is this ad sexist, but also blatantly racist. Ads like this remind us the good old days weren't always that good.
What exactly about a women stretched taut has anything remotely to do with power tools?
Women's mental and mood disorders are only a problem in so far that they affect men. We understand, Dr. Miles. This sexist ad diminishes mental health in one fell swoop.
With the obesity epidemic in full swing, few candy companies are urging moms to forgo apples in favor of sugary snacks.
Expectant mothers flaunting cigarettes isn't likely to be a winning marketing strategy these days.
Surely, this soda company has heard that breast milk or formula is better than soda. These days, no company could get away with encouraging babies to drink pop.